Cannabis Delivery Company Failures: High Costs, Low Margins, and a Shrinking Market

Cannabis Delivery Failure
Cannabis Delivery Company Failures: High Costs, Low Margins, and a Shrinking Market

Cannabis Delivery is facing tremendous challenges. Between high costs and taxes, waning demand, and growing competition, cannabis delivery companies are failing. Many cannabis delivery companies including ones with huge marketing budgets, their own cannabis delivery ecommerce tech, and tons of investors are failing. Is there a bottom?

The cannabis delivery industry, once thought to be a high-growth sector, has seen several prominent companies fail due to high operational costs, low margins, and a fluctuating demand for marijuana delivery. Companies that were once seen as pioneers in the industry, such as Eaze and Grassdoor, have now shut down operations, with more expected to follow suit.

Cannabis Delivery Businesses Continue to Fail

Cannabis Delivery Giants on the Brink

Several high-profile cannabis delivery companies have struggled to stay afloat, and their closures have shaken confidence in the delivery model.


Eaze, often referred to as the “Uber of Weed,” was once one of the biggest cannabis delivery companies in California. Despite its $700 million valuation at its peak, Eaze announced that it would cease operations by the end of 2024. The company faced financial difficulties, including defaulting on loans, legal challenges, and labor disputes, which ultimately led to its downfall. You can read more about the collapse of Eaze in this article from SFGate.


Another major casualty is Grassdoor, a California-based cannabis delivery service that recently entered insolvency and ceased operations. Grassdoor, which was once a significant player in the state’s delivery market, struggled with high operating costs and regulatory hurdles. For more details, you can read about Grassdoor’s insolvency in this article from Cannabis Business Times.

Why Cannabis Delivery Companies are Failing

The cannabis delivery model, once seen as a profitable and convenient service for customers, is plagued with several issues that make it difficult for companies to operate successfully. Here are some of the key factors contributing to their failures:

1. High Operating Costs

Cannabis delivery companies face hefty operational costs, from maintaining compliance with state regulations to managing a fleet of delivery vehicles. This is especially true in highly regulated states like California, where taxation, labor laws, and compliance costs are a significant burden.

2. Low Profit Margins

Despite rising demand for cannabis, the profit margins for delivery companies are thin. After accounting for marketing, labor, fuel, and compliance costs, there’s little left in the way of profit. Without the ability to scale profitably, many cannabis delivery businesses struggle to stay viable.

3. Fluctuating Demand

The COVID-19 pandemic saw a temporary surge in demand for cannabis delivery services, but as lockdowns ended, consumer preferences shifted back to in-person shopping. With demand fluctuating, many delivery-only services have struggled to maintain consistent sales.

4. Competition from Illicit Markets

Legal cannabis delivery services also face stiff competition from the illicit market, particularly in California. Unregulated operators are able to offer lower prices by circumventing taxes and compliance requirements, making it harder for legal companies to compete.

Cannabis Delivery Companies That Have Failed

Many cannabis delivery services have ceased operations due to the unsustainable nature of the market:

  • Eaze – Shutting down by the end of 2024 due to foreclosure.
  • Grassdoor – Entered insolvency and ceased operations.
  • MedMen Delivery – Part of MedMen’s larger financial collapse.

Remaining Cannabis Delivery Companies

While many have failed, some cannabis delivery-only companies are still operating, but they face the same pressures. Here is a list of some of the more promient cannabis delivery services that remain:

  • Doobie
  • Lantern
  • Hyperwolf
  • ZypRun
  • KindRun
  • RollingReleaf
  • Delivered Inc
  • Your Green Package

We wish all of these marijuana delivery service providers and companies the best of luck in defeating silly regulations, rising costs, waning demand, and continued competitive pressure. We remain bullish on Cannabis Delivery’s future but it may be too early.

The Future of Cannabis Delivery: A Grim Outlook?

The ongoing failures of companies like Eaze and Grassdoor point to the larger issues plaguing the cannabis delivery sector. Without reforms that address the high costs and low margins associated with delivery operations, it’s likely that we will see more companies close their doors in the coming years. For cannabis delivery services to survive, they will need to innovate, partner with brick-and-mortar dispensaries, and find ways to reduce costs to remain competitive in an increasingly challenging market.

For more insights into the factors leading to these failures, check out the full articles on the fall of Eaze and Grassdoor.